JPL-UCLA Engineering Collaboration Initiative Meeting

Monday, April 2, 2012

A JPL-UCLA Engineering Collaboration Initiative Meeting was held on April 2, 2012 at UCLA, organized by the Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering. There are several areas of complementary research interest and the organizers’ goals were to: promote information sharing, dialogue and discussion among engineers at both organizations; engage in innovative and next generation technology endeavors funded by grants, contracts or sub-contracts; examine opportunities for engineers interested in pursuing research and development in the earth, space, or other scientific areas; and, develop collaborative approaches that are non-duplicative and cost-effective.

Twenty-six 4-minute, 2-slide presentations on a variety of topics were made by JPL and UCLA engineers (PDF slides attached). General technical categories covered by the presenters included: 



Radar/Lidar/Sub-mm & Far IR/Radiometry/Microwave & Radar & mm waves Alina Moussessian, James Hoffman, Scott Hensley, Gary Spiers, Brian Drouin,  Pekka Kangaslahti, Paul Stek (JPL) and Tutsuo Itoh, Ethan Wang (UCLA)
Micro Devices/GPS/ Nanoscale Technology/Semi-Conductor/ Nano-Structure Jason Hyon (JPL), Rob Candler, Ya-Hong Xie (UCLA)
Imaging Spectrometry/Laser Technology & Non-Linear Optics/Applied Optics & Radiative Transfer Zakos Mouroilis (JPL), Jia-Ming Liu, Warren Grundfest, Laurent Pilon, Hal Monbouquette (UCLA)
Antennas/Communication Yahya Rahmat-Samii (UCLA)
Data Management Paul Von Allmen (JPL), Amy Braverman (JPL/UCLA), Igor Yanovsky (JPL/UCLA)
NASA Airborne Program Bill Mateer (JPL)
Tera-Hertz Technology Frank Chang/Jenny Liu (UCLA)
Hydrology/Water Resources Steven Margulis (UCLA)
Power Generation A.V. Balakrishnan (UCLA)
Technology Transfer Dwight Streit (UCLA)

Presenters described their projects, technological needs that might be fulfilled through collaboration, and potential internal investment opportunities.  Several projects offer opportunities to collaborate on the development of next-generation technologies. Agenda JPL Presentations (PDF) - UCLA Presentations (PDF)